Each year Gravity Dance Center holds scholarship auditions for our students. Our winners receive paid tuition for the next year's season . Each student is judged on a portfolio that they put together; including, grades, one page essay, awards and other accolades, and a head shot photograph.
Gravity Dance Center uses a panel of outside judges to score the portfolios and then also judge each student's solo audition, improvisation, and Q&A session. This panel of judges votes on and selects the recipient of each scholarship. The number of available scholarships depends on third party donations and sponsorships for these scholarships each year. Our goal is to grow on the number of scholarships we can offer year over year. We appreciate all of our students that put forth the effort to audition and for the hard work they put into this experience! 2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients
2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients
2018-2019 Scholarship Recipients
2017-2018 Scholarship Recipients
2016-2017 Scholarship Recipients
2015 - 2016 Scholarship Recipients